Regulatory Reports
LCSWMA posts select regulatory reports and permit modifications/amendments from the last three years. For monitoring reports and regulatory documents not listed online, those may be publicly available by contacting LCSWMA’s Open Records Officer.
- (2021) Minor Permit Modification; FFVE Stage 2 Construction Updates; Updated Weather Station Equipment
- (2020) Permit Renewal
- (2020) FFVE Stage 1 Visual Landscape Synthesis Plan Annual Update
- (2019) Permit Renewal Application
- (2019) Minor Permit Modification; Visual Landscape Synthesis Plan Approval
- (2017) Major Permit Modification for Vertical Expansion
- (2014) Minor Permit Modification; Construction of Horizontal Gas Collector
- (2007) Minor Permit Modification; Additional LFG Wells
- (2006) Form 54 Minor Permit Modification Application
- (2005) Stormwater Discharge Permit #PAR503501
- (2005) Landfill Gas to Energy Project 2005